CineMathematics or CinemaThematics. Your choice

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sundae Sunday - Act Fast

Sorry about the lack of a proper Cape Fear/"Cape Feare" post. Things have been hectic lately. Suffice it to say that Ocean's 13 has a few enjoyable moments (the whole Zapata thing would have been a lot more insulting if Soderbergh didn't show a beer advertisement using Zapata), The Wall has shown me just how much I don't want to be a nihilist, Silk Stockings may have the most sexist moment ever captured on film, and if Trouble in Paradise is an accurate example of Lubitsch, then I need to do a lot of research into Lubitsch.

This is very exciting, but it will only be around through Thursday. You can watch all of Four Eyed Monsters on YouTube. This is certainly a film worth watching, so you should just take the 70 minutes and watch it. Oh, and make sure to register through them at Spout, so that Spout will give them money. Go now! Give them money. They deserve not to be in debt. And watch Four Eyed Monsters below.

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Blogger Greg "The Fish" said...

Wow. Great find. I've been looking all over for this for awhile now. It's really a fabulous film. And btw, great blog. Didn't even know you had one.Found it while randomly stumbling around the net. Keep up the good work.

btw, btw, this is Ben's roomie. I think I may have met you once, or twice, or thrice..

11:57 AM


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